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Colorado permaculture food foresting

This site is both my permaculture journal and hopefully a resource for people in Fort Collins, Colorado and similar regions. We are in USDA Zone 5.

Content is added regularly!

Unique Growing Conditions

The Northern Colorado Front Range presents unique challenges for growers. It's rather dry here, averaging 16 inches of annual rainfall. The last frost date is typically mid-May, but it varies wildly. There are extreme temperature changes, which are hard on plants and trees. There is a tremendous amount of damaging hail. The soil is rocky and alkaline. So all in all we have a rather short growing season with inferior soil, little rain and lots of hail.

In this context, we are developing a permaculture food forest and household. We hope to use this as a springboard to "regenerate the land and the people who live on it" as Geoff Lawton says. We wish to be part of the solution.