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Carbon intensity

Source: Electricity Maps

These numbers are according to Electricity Maps. Numbers are represented as grams of carbon dioxide equivalent per kWh (kilowatt-hour) of electricity produced. Lower numbers are best!

Note: this Forbes article estimates the carbon cost of battery storage at 300g CO2-eq/kWh, with a battery lifetime of 400 charge cycles. If the math is correct (I have no idea) but the charge cycle figure is low (it appears to be quite low), then the true carbon cost should be considerably lower than estimated. At 3000 cycles, the carbon cost is 70g CO2-eq/kWh.

Source: Rainwater Harvesting

The below numbers are from the appendix of Rainwater Harvesting For Drylands and Beyond by Brad Lancaster. Measured as pounds of CO2 to generate a kWh of electricity.

Please note that it's impossible for a generation source such as nuclear to be responsible for literally zero climate emissions as nuclear requires expensive uranium mining and shipping; huge amounts of concrete; enormous amounts of water, etc. When in doubt, the Electricity Maps numbers above should be more accurate.


The below numbers show the carbon intensity of various travel methods. Source: UK government.

gCO2 per km