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Here is a list of licensed arborists in Fort Collins. Of these I've had work done by the following companies:

I'm happy with the work done by these companies and would gladly do business with them again.

Plant and tree sellers

Seed sellers

Books: Non-fiction

Books: Fiction

Locally appropriate trees and plants

Here are some pointers to plants with minimal water needs, appropriate for the local environment.

Zone 2 plants and trees

Saving for future reference!

Biochar videos

Biochar reading

Freegan / freeganism resources

Soil Health videos

Greening / regenerating desert videos

Passive solar heating


Very new section!

Youtube videos

Container ship travel


Local weather

Some favorite non-permaculture people

Some of these people may practice permaculture but I don't want to put a label on someone that they don't use themselves.

Some favorite permaculture people

This section is mostly for permaculture people who regularly create new content. There are lots of people like Sepp Holzer who don't, so they aren't listed here. It doesn't mean I don't love 'em.